Namespace Stride.UI
- KeyEventArgs
The arguments associated to an key event.
- LayoutingContext
A context containing information for UI layouting.
- PropertyChangedArgs<T>
An argument class containing information about a property that changed.
- StripDefinition
Represents the definition of a grid strip.
- StripDefinitionCollection
A collection of strip definitions
- TouchEventArgs
Provides data for touch input events.
- UIElement
Provides a base class for all the User Interface elements in Stride applications.
- UIElementCollection
A collection of UIElements.
- UIElementExtensions
Extensions methods for UIElement
- UIInternalException
The exception that is thrown when an internal error happened in the UI System. That is an error that is not due to the user behavior.
- UIProfilerKeys
Various ProfilingKey used to measure performance across some part of the UI system.
- UISystem
Interface of the UI system.
- Thickness
Describes the thickness of a frame around a cuboid. Six float values describe the Left, Top, Right, Bottom, Front, and Back sides of the cuboid, respectively.
- IScrollAnchorInfo
Interface providing anchor information to its ScrollViewer.
- IScrollInfo
Represents the main scrollable region inside a ScrollViewer control.
- IUIElementChildren
Interfaces representing an UIElement containing child elements.
- IUIElementUpdate
Interface for the update of the UIElements.
- ClickMode
Specifies when the Click event should be raised.
- DepthAlignment
Describes how a child element is positioned in depth or stretched within a parent's layout slot.
- HorizontalAlignment
Indicates where an element should be displayed on the horizontal axis relative to the allocated layout slot of the parent element.
- MouseOverState
Describe the possible states of the mouse over an UI element.
- Orientation
Defines the different orientations that a control or layout can have.
- ScrollingMode
The different ways of scrolling in a ScrollViewer.
- StretchDirection
Describes how scaling applies to content and restricts scaling to named axis types.
- StretchType
Describes how content is resized to fill its allocated space.
- StripType
The different types of strip possible of a grid.
- ToggleState
Describe the different possible states of an ToggleButton.
- TouchAction
Describes the action of a specific touch point.
- VerticalAlignment
Describes how a child element is vertically positioned or stretched within a parent's layout slot.
- Visibility
Specifies the display state of an element.