Table of Contents

Shortcodes and Includes

You can see examples here


To add an alert, use the following include, where:

  • type is one of the following: primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark. Using these types will automatically include a relevant icon
  • icon is a Font Awesome icon, which is optional. You can use any free icon, e.g., fa-check.
  • title is the title of the alert
# This will render as a green box without the icon
{% include _alert.html type:'success' icon:'' title:'No icon: Stride contributors are proud to announce a new release now running on .NET 6 supporting the latest C# 10.' %}

# This will render as a green box with a check icon
{% include _alert.html type:'success' title:'No icon: Stride contributors are proud to announce a new release now running on .NET 6 supporting the latest C# 10.' %}

# This will render as a green box with a custom icon
{% include _alert.html type:'success' icon:'fa-face-smile' title:'No icon: Stride contributors are proud to announce a new release now running on .NET 6 supporting the latest C# 10.' %}


See the examples here.

Alert examples in the Stride website

Alert Banner

A global alert banner can be used for promotional purposes. The banner can be activated in site.json. It will show up on every single page.

"alert-banner": true

The HTML can be updated in the /_includes/alert-banner.html file.

Alert Banner examples in the Stride website


Add responsive images using shortcodes. Be sure to include a descriptive title, as it will improve your post's search engine visibility. Also, if possible, use the webp format for images, which can also be used for transparent images. This will improve the performance of your site.


To add a responsive image, use the following shortcode:

{% img 'title' 'url' %}

Replace title with a descriptive title for the image and url with the image URL. This shortcode renders as:

<img alt="title" src="url" class="img-fluid mb-2" loading="lazy" data-src="url">


To add a responsive image with a clickable link that opens the image in full size, use the following shortcode:

{% img-click 'title' 'url' %}

Replace title with a descriptive title for the image and url with the image URL. This shortcode renders as:

<a href="url" title="title" class="mb-2"><img alt="title" src="url" class="img-fluid" loading="lazy" data-src="url"></a>

To add a responsive image with a clickable link that directs users to a custom destination, use the following shortcode:

{% img-click 'title' 'url' 'destinationUrl' %}

Replace title with a descriptive title for the image, url with the image URL, and destinationUrl with the target URL when the image is clicked. This shortcode renders as:

<a href="destinationUrl" title="title" class="mb-2"><img alt="title" src="url" class="img-fluid" loading="lazy" data-src="url"></a>


We should consider hosting our videos on YouTube whenever possible.


To embed a YouTube video, use the following shortcode:

{% youtube 'id' %}

Replace id with the YouTube video ID. This shortcode renders as:

<div class="ratio ratio-16x9 mb-2"><iframe src="" title="YouTube video" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>


To embed a YouTube playlist, use the following shortcode:

{% youtube-playlist 'id' %}

Replace id with the YouTube playlist ID. This shortcode renders as:

<div class="ratio ratio-16x9 mb-2"><iframe src="" title="YouTube video" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>

To embed a video hosted elsewhere, use the following shortcode:

Hosting our own videos

{% video 'url' %}

Replace url with the video URL (e.g., .mp4 file). Make sure you have a matching .jpg file with the same name as the .mp4 file for the poster attribute. This shortcode renders as:

<!-- jpgUrl = url.replace(".mp4", ".jpg") // make sure you have a pair .mp4 and .jpg -->
<div class="ratio ratio-16x9 mb-2"><video autoplay loop class="responsive-video" poster="jpgUrl"><source src="url" type="video/mp4"></video></div>

How to encode videos

Videos can be generated by many software in various formats & size, so they might end up being incompatible with web browsers or mobile, or simply be way too large. It is better to stick to a format with low requirements such as H264 baseline profile (works almost everywhere).

To do so, process the file using fmpeg:

ffmpeg -i myvideo_original.mp4 -profile:v baseline -level 3.0 -an myvideo.mp4

Also, generate a static thumbnail so that people can preview it before downloading the video (very important on mobile):

ToDo: Check if webp can be generated from ffmpeg

ffmpeg -i myvideo.mp4 -vframes 1 -f image2 -y myvideo.jpg

ToDo: Maybe we could provide a simple tool to do that without using command line.