Namespace Stride.Input
- AxisEvent
Event for an axis changing state on a device
- ButtonEvent
Event for a button changing state on a device
- DeviceChangedEventArgs
An event used when a device was changed
- GameControllerAxisEvent
An event to describe a change in a game controller axis state
- GameControllerAxisInfo
Provides information about a gamepad axis
- GameControllerButtonEvent
An event to describe a change in game controller button state
- GameControllerButtonInfo
Provides information about a gamepad button
- GameControllerDeviceBase
Base class for gamepads, contains common functionality for gamepad devices
- GameControllerDeviceExtensions
Provides easier ways to set vibration levels on a controller, rather than setting 4 motors
- GameControllerDirectionEvent
An event to describe a change in game controller direction state
- GameControllerDirectionInfo
Provides information about a gamepad direction input
- GameControllerObjectInfo
Provides information about an object exposed by a gamepad
- GameControllerUtils
Provides some useful functions relating to game controllers
- GamePadAxisEvent
An event to describe a change in a gamepad axis
- GamePadButtonEvent
An event to describe a change in gamepad button state
- GamePadDeviceExtensions
Provides easier ways to set vibration levels on a controller, rather than setting 4 motors
- GamePadFromLayout
A IGamePadDevice from a IGameControllerDevice using a GamePadLayout to create a mapping between the two
- GamePadIndexChangedEventArgs
Event for when a IGamePadDevice's index changed
- GamePadLayout
Provides a IGameControllerDevice to IGamePadDevice mapping
- GamePadLayoutDS4
A gamepad layout for a DualShock4 controller
- GamePadLayoutXInput
Layout for XInput devices so that they can be used by SDL or other systems that do not have the XInput API but do support joysticks in some other way
- GamePadLayouts
Keeps track of GamePadLayout
- GestureConfig
This represents the base class for all gesture configuration.
- GestureConfigComposite
Configuration class for the Composite gesture.
- GestureConfigDrag
Configuration class for the Drag gesture.
- GestureConfigFlick
Configuration class for the Flick gesture.
- GestureConfigLongPress
Configuration class the Long Press gestures.
- GestureConfigTap
Configuration class for the Tap gesture.
- GestureEvent
Base class for the gesture events.
- GestureEventComposite
Event class for the Composite gesture.
- GestureEventDrag
Event class for the Drag gesture.
- GestureEventFlick
Event class for the Flick gesture.
- GestureEventLongPress
Event class for the LongPress gesture.
- GestureEventTap
Event class for the Tap gesture.
- GestureEventTranslation
Event class for the Drag gesture.
- InputDeviceUtils
Utilities for input devices
- InputEvent
An event that was generated from an IInputDevice
- InputEventPool<TEventType>
Pools input events of a given type
- InputManager
Manages collecting input from connected input device in the form of IInputDevice objects. Also provides some convenience functions for most commonly used devices
- InputPreUpdateEventArgs
Arguments for input pre update event
- InputSourceBase
Base class for input sources, implements common parts of the IInputSource interface and keeps track of registered devices through RegisterDevice(IInputDevice) and UnregisterDevice(IInputDevice)
- InputSourceFactory
Given a GameContext creates the corresponding IInputSource for the platform specific window.
- InputSourceSimulated
Provides a virtual mouse and keyboard that generate input events like a normal mouse/keyboard when any of the functions (Simulate...) are called
- KeyEvent
Event for a keyboard button changing state
- KeyboardDeviceBase
Base class for keyboard devices
- MouseButtonEvent
Describes a button on a mouse changing state
- MouseDeviceBase
Base class for mouse devices, implements some common functionality of IMouseDevice, inherits from PointerDeviceBase
- MouseDeviceState
An extension to PointerDeviceState that handle mouse input and translates it to pointer input
- MouseWheelEvent
Event for a mouse wheel being used
- PointerDeviceBase
Base class for pointer devices
- PointerDeviceState
Contains logic to generate pointer events and store the resulting state
- PointerDeviceState.PointerData
Some additional data kept on top of PointerPoint for the purpose of generating PointerEvent
- PointerEvent
A pointer event.
- PointerPoint
Represents a unique pointer that is or was on the screen and information about it
- PointerSimulated
Simulation of PointerEvents
- SurfaceSizeChangedEventArgs
An event for when the size of a pointer surface changed
- TextInputEvent
Input event used for text input and IME related events
- VirtualButton
Describes a virtual button (a key from a keyboard, a mouse button, an axis of a joystick...etc.).
- VirtualButton.GamePad
GamePad virtual button.
- VirtualButton.Keyboard
Keyboard virtual button.
- VirtualButton.Mouse
Mouse virtual button.
- VirtualButton.Pointer
Mouse virtual button.
- VirtualButtonBinding
Describes a binding between a name and a IVirtualButton.
- VirtualButtonConfig
Describes the configuration composed by a collection of VirtualButtonBinding.
- VirtualButtonConfigSet
A collection of VirtualButtonConfig.
- VirtualButtonGroup
A combination IVirtualButton, by default evaluated as the operator '&&' to produce a value if all buttons are pressed.
- VirtualButtonTwoWay
Describes a IVirtualButton using the sum of a negative and positive button.
- Direction
Represents a direction or neutral position
- GamePadState
Describes the state of a typical gamepad.
- PointerDeviceState.InputEvent
Simplified event data used to generate the full events when Update(List<InputEvent>) gets called
- IAccelerometerSensor
This class represents a sensor of type Accelerometer. It measures the acceleration forces (including gravity) applying on the device.
- ICompassSensor
This class represents a sensor of type compass. It measures the angle between the device and the north.
- IGameControllerDevice
This interface is used for interacting with game controller devices.
- IGamePadDevice
A gamepad is a game controller that has a fixed button mapping, stored in State
- IGravitySensor
This class represents a sensor of type Gravity. It measures the gravity force applying on the device.
- IGyroscopeSensor
This class represents a sensor of type Gyroscope. It measures the rotation speed of device along the x/y/z axis.
- IInputEventListener
Does not listen to any event but is used to pass around a type that might potentially listen for input events
- IInputEventListener<TEventType>
Interface for classes that want to listen to input event of a certain type
- IInputSource
An abstraction for a platform specific mechanism that provides input in the form of one of multiple IInputDevice(s). An input source is responsible for cleaning up it's own devices at cleanup
- IKeyboardDevice
A keyboard device
- IMouseDevice
Represents functionality specific to mouse input such as buttons, wheels, mouse locking and setting cursor position
- IOrientationSensor
This class represents a sensor of type Orientation. It measures the orientation of device in the real world.
- IPointerDevice
Provides an interface for interacting with pointer devices, this can be a mouse, pen, touch screen, etc.
- ISensorDevice
Interface for a sensor device, use more specific interfaces to retrieve sensor data
- ITextInputDevice
A device such as a keyboard that supports text input. This can be a windows keyboard with IME support or a touch keyboard on a smartphone device
- IUserAccelerationSensor
This class represents a sensor of type user acceleration. It measures the acceleration applied by the user (no gravity) onto the device.
- IVirtualButton
Interface IVirtualButton
- GameControllerButtonType
The types of gamepad buttons
- GamePadAxis
Axis for gamepad returned by GamePadState.
- GamePadButton
Buttons for gamepad returned by GamePadState.
- GestureShape
Gesture possible shapes.
- GestureState
The different possible states of a gestures.
- GestureType
List all the available type of Gestures.
- Keys
Enumeration for keys.
- MouseAxis
Mouse axes
- MouseButton
Mouse buttons.
- PointerEventType
State of a pointer event.
- VirtualButtonType
Type of a VirtualButton.