Namespace Stride.Rendering.Compositing
- ClearRenderer
A renderer to clear a render frame.
- DelegateSceneRenderer
A renderer which can provide Draw(RenderDrawContext) implementation with a delegate.
- EditorTopLevelCompositor
Used by editor as top level compositor.
- ForwardRenderer
Renders your game. It should use current RenderView and GetCurrentCamera(RenderContext).
- GraphicsCompositor
class organizes how scenes are rendered in the Stride engine, providing extensive customization of the rendering pipeline.
- GraphicsCompositorHelper
Helper functions for creating GraphicsCompositor.
- MSAAResolver
A renderer to resolve MSAA textures.
- RenderOutputValidator
Represents how we setup the graphics pipeline output targets.
- SceneCameraRenderer
Defines and sets a RenderView and set it up using Camera or current context camera.
- SceneCameraSlot
A camera slot used by contained in a SceneCameraSlotCollection and referenceable by a SceneCameraSlotId
- SceneCameraSlotCollection
A collection of CameraComponent.
- SceneExternalCameraRenderer
A camera renderer that can use an external camera not in the scene.
- SceneRendererBase
Describes the code part of a
- SceneRendererCollection
A collection of ISceneRenderer.
- SingleStageRenderer
Renders a single stage with the current RenderView.
- SceneCameraSlotId
Identifies a camera slotIndex in a scene composition.
- IRenderTargetSemantic
The usage of a render target
- ISceneGraphicsCompositor
Defines the common interface for a graphics composer responsible to compose the scene to a final render target.
- MSAAResolver.FilterTypes
MSAA resolve shader modes.