Namespace Stride.Shaders
- EffectBytecode
Contains a compiled shader with bytecode for each stage.
- EffectConstantBufferDescription
Description of a constant buffer.
- EffectReflection
The reflection data describing the parameters of a shader.
- EffectSamplerStateBinding
Binding to a sampler.
- EffectSourceCodeKeys
Keys used for sourcecode generation.
- HashSourceCollection
A dictionary of associations betweens asset shader urls and ObjectId
- ShaderArraySource
An array of ShaderSource used only in shader mixin compositions.
- ShaderBytecode
The bytecode of an effect.
- ShaderClassCode
A common base class for shader classes with source code.
- ShaderClassSource
A shader class based on .sdsl file, used for mixin.
- ShaderClassString
A shader class based on source code string, used for mixin.
- ShaderMixinContext
A context used when mixin ShaderSource.
- ShaderMixinDiscardException
An exception used to early exit a shader mixin with discard.
- ShaderMixinGeneratorSource
A shader source that is linked to a sdfx effect.
- ShaderMixinManager
Manages IShaderMixinBuilder and generation of shader mixins.
- ShaderMixinObjectId
A helper class to compute a unique object id for a ShaderMixinSource.
- ShaderMixinParameters
Parameters used for mixin.
- ShaderMixinSource
A mixin performing a combination of ShaderClassCode and other mixins.
- ShaderSource
A shader source.
- EffectParameterKeyInfo
The header of a shader parameter.
- EffectResourceBindingDescription
Describes a shader parameter for a resource type.
- EffectTypeDescription
Describes a shader parameter type.
- EffectTypeMemberDescription
Describes a shader parameter member.
- EffectValueDescription
Describes a shader parameter for a valuetype (usually stored in constant buffers).
- ShaderInputBytecode
Structure containing SPIR-V bytecode, as well as mappings from input attribute locations to semantics.
- ShaderMacro
Preprocessor macro.
- ShaderStreamOutputDeclarationEntry
Description of a StreamOutput declaration entry.
- IShaderMixinBuilder
Interface to be implemented for dynamic mixin generation.
- IShaderMixinBuilderExtended
Extension of IShaderMixinBuilder that provides keys and mixin informations.
- ConstantBufferType
Describes the type of constant buffer.
- EffectParameterClass
Values that identify the class of a shader variable.
- EffectParameterType
Values that identify various data, texture, and buffer types that can be assigned to a shader variable.
- ShaderStage
Enum to specify shader stage.