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Ways to contribute

Stride is a non-profit, community-driven, free and open source project. There are no full-time developers dedicated solely to Stride's advancement; instead, the engine progresses through the voluntary contributions of both the core team and the broader community.

In order to thrive, Stride requires the help from other community members. There are various ways you can help:

Community activity🤝

To make Stride better, just use it and tell others about it in your blogs, videos, and events. Get involved in discussions on Discord and GitHub Discussion. Being a user and spreading the word is vital for our engine, as we don't have a big marketing budget and rely on the community to grow.

Make games 🕹️

The best way to promote Stride is by creating a cool demo or, even better, a full game. Having people see and play an actual game made with Stride is the most effective form of advertisement.

We utilize Open Collective for fundraising. The funds collected are allocated towards bug bounties and compensating individuals contracted for paid work.

Submit bug reports 🐛

Making Stride more stable greatly improves usability and user satisfaction. So if you encounter a bug during development, please contribute by reporting it on GitHub.

PR reviews 🔭

Contributing to Pull Requests (PRs) is excellent as it enables active participation without local builds. Reviewing and offering feedback in this collaborative process enhances code quality and maintains project standards, fostering a sense of community and knowledge sharing.

Contribute code 🤖

If you're passionate about C# and want to contribute by building features or fixing bugs in Stride, dive into the source code and get involved! Have a look at the GitHub issues label Good first issue or funded Open Collective projects

Contribute to Documentation 🪶

Enhance the official documentation and tutorials by expanding the manual or creating textual/video guides. Your contributions will greatly improve accessibility and understanding for users.

Contribute to Website 🌐

Enhance the official Stride website. Is design more your thing, or do you have an interesting blog post? It will all help us spread the word of Stride.