Stride.Graphics Namespace
Base class to batch a group of draw calls into one. |
Use a ResourceContext per GraphicsDevice (DeviceContext) |
A class containing information on how to build the batch vertex and index buffer. |
A class containing the information required to build a vertex and index buffer for simple quad based batching. |
Known values for BlendStateDescription. |
All-in-One Buffer class linked SharpDX.Direct3D11.Buffer. |
Argument buffer helper methods. |
Constant buffer helper methods. |
Index buffer helper methods. |
Raw buffer helper methods. |
Typed buffer helper methods. |
Vertex buffer helper methods. |
A buffer with typed information. |
Extension class for Color |
Performs resource bindings and primitive-based rendering. See the GraphicsDevice class to learn more about the class. |
Known values for DepthStencilStateDescription. |
Storage area for DescriptorSet. |
Defines a list of descriptor layout. This is used to allocate a DescriptorSet. |
Helper class to build a DescriptorSetLayout. |
Describes the display mode. |
Renders text with a fixed size font. |
A geometric data. |
Provides methods to retrieve and manipulate graphics adapters. This is the equivalent to SharpDX.DXGI.Adapter1. |
Factory for GraphicsAdapter. |
A graphics command context. You should usually stick to one per rendering thread. |
Used for GPU resources creation (buffers, textures, states, shaders), and CommandList manipulations. |
Extensions for the GraphicsDevice |
A default implementation of IGraphicsDeviceService |
Root factory for all Graphics components. |
Provides methods to retrieve and manipulate an graphics output (a monitor), it is equivalent to SharpDX.DXGI.Output. |
This class is a frontend to |
GraphicsResource class |
A GraphicsResource allocator tracking usage reference and allowing to recycle unused resources based on a recycle policy. |
Extensions for the GraphicsResourceAllocator. |
GraphicsResource class |
Base factory for all Graphics resources. |
A resource allocated by GraphicsResourceAllocator providing allocation informations. |
Provides method to instantiate an image 1D/2D/3D supporting TextureArray and mipmaps on the CPU or to load/save an image from the disk. |
Describes a mipmap. |
An unmanaged buffer of pixels. |
Used by Image to provide a selector to a PixelBuffer. |
Extensions to PixelFormat. |
Describess how data will be displayed to the screen. |
Primitive quad use to draw an effect on a quad (fullscreen by default). This is directly accessible from the |
A pool holding queries with a specific QueryType. |
Known values for RasterizerStateDescription. |
Graphics presenter for SwapChain. |
Contains resources and a constant buffer, that usually change at a given frequency. |
Allocator for resource groups. |
Describes how DescriptorSet will be bound together. |
Describes a sampler state used for texture sampling. |
Base factory for SamplerState. |
Serializer for SamplerState. |
A sprite. |
A batcher for sprite in the 3D world. |
Renders a group of sprites. |
A sprite represents a series frames in an atlas forming an animation. |
SpriteFont to use with SpriteBatch. See SpriteFont to learn how to use it. |
A sprite frame represents a single frame a sprite animation. It contains the region of the texture representing the frame and the time it is supposed to be displayed. |
A sheet (group) of sprites. |
Graphics presenter for SwapChain. |
Class used for all Textures (1D, 2D, 3D, DepthStencil, RenderTargets...etc.) |
A utility class to batch and draw UI images. |
The layout of a vertex buffer with a set of VertexElement. |
An helper class for manipulating vertex buffers on CPU (Generate new vertex attributes...etc.) |
A platform specific window handle. |
The structure containing all the information required to batch one element. |
Describes a blend state. |
Describes the blend state for a render target. |
Describes a buffer. |
A token for one-time execution of a CommandList by the GraphicsDevice |
Provides access to data organized in 3D. |
Provides a pointer to 2D data. |
Used to prevent concurrent uses of CommandList against the main one. |
Describes a depth stencil state. |
Contains a list descriptors (such as textures) that can be bound together to the graphics pipeline. |
Describes how many descriptor of a specific type will need to be allocated in a DescriptorPool. |
Features supported by a GraphicsDevice. |
The features exposed for a particular format. |
Structured returned by |
A description for Image. |
A GPU resource mapped for CPU access. This is returned by using |
A simple wrapper to specify number of mipmaps. Set to true to specify all mipmaps or sets an integer value >= 1 to specify the exact number of mipmaps. |
Describes a rasterizer state. |
Represents a rational number. |
Describes render targets and depth stencil output formats. |
Describes how DescriptorSet maps to real resource binding. This might become a core part of Effect at some point. |
Defines a 3D box. |
Describes a sampler state. |
A Common description for all textures. |
View description of a Texture. |
Binding structure that specifies a vertex buffer and other per-vertex parameters (such as offset and instancing) for a graphics device. |
A description of a single element for the input-assembler stage. This structure is related to |
Result of a vertex buffer transform. |
Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position as a Vector2. |
Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position and color information. |
Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position, color, texture and swizzle information. |
Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position, normal and color information. |
Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position, normal and texture information. |
Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position and color information. |
Defines the window dimensions of a render-target surface onto which a 3D volume projects. |
Service providing method to access GraphicsDevice life-cycle. |
The base interface for all the vertex data structure. |
Blend option. A blend option identifies the data source and an optional pre-blend operation. |
RGB or alpha blending operation. |
The colorspace used for textures, materials, lighting... |
Identify which components of each pixel of a render target are writable during blending. |
Comparison options. |
Defines the faces of a cube map for |
Indicates triangles facing a particular direction are not drawn. |
Specifies the buffer to use when calling Clear. |
Describes parameters that are used to create a device. |
Describes the orientation of the display. |
Determines the fill mode to use when rendering triangles. |
Which resources are supported for a given format and given device (see SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device.CheckFormatSupport(SharpDX.DXGI.Format) and SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device.CheckFeatureSupport(SharpDX.Direct3D11.Feature)). |
Describes the current status of a GraphicsDevice. |
The graphics platform. |
Identifies the set of supported devices for the demo based on device capabilities. |
Describes the lifetime state of a graphics resource. |
Identifies expected resource use during rendering. The usage directly reflects whether a resource is accessible by the CPU and/or the GPU. |
Image file format used by Save(Stream, ImageFileType) |
Defines the possible rotations to apply on image regions. |
Size of an index |
Describes how the cpu is accessing a GraphicsResource with the |
Multisample count level. |
Defines various types of pixel formats. |
Defines flags that describe the relationship between the adapter refresh rate and the rate at which Present operations are completed. |
Defines how vertex data is ordered. |
Defines sprite mirroring options. |
Defines sprite sort-rendering options. |
TODO Comments |
Specify how to swizzle a vector. |
Specify the available text alignment when rendering text. |
Identify a technique for resolving texture coordinates that are outside of the boundaries of a texture. |
Defines the dimension of a texture. |
Filtering options during texture sampling. |
Resource options for textures. |
The primitive type to draw for an element. |
Defines how a view is selected from a resource. |
A delegate called to create shareable data. See remarks. |
A recycle policy to check whether the specified resource must be disposed from a GraphicsResourceAllocator. |